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When I was in my first job I lived pretty much month to month. That means that by the last week of the month I was just left with enough cash to just be able to get through somehow. Many of my friends were also in the same boat. All the advice of my parents to put a certain part of my salary in a saving account to help in times of emergencies was taken in through one ear and out through the other. I am sure many of you out there are living the same life.

Don’t misunderstand, I am not promoting this lifestyle and if you ask me today I have taken that advice from my parents and have saving to save me from difficult times. However, first jobs are like that. When you just start living on your own you want to live freely, do the things you like and moreover, first jobs hardly pay enough to be able to save alongside living.


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During the time I am talking about above, one of my friends had a family emergency and she asked for help from some of us. This was not an emergency for me to be real, however, we all wanted to help out. Our group of friends decided to collect $100 each so that we could hand her around $800. I am not sure how much help this small amount would have done to her family, but we wanted to help out of love which she graciously accepted.

The problem was that this had happened in the third week of the month. I did have the money however, it would mean I would be left with almost nothing for my last week. Same was the case for some of my friends. We discussed with a few people including some of our office folks. One of a senior staff in our office told us to explore payday loans. She told us she had taken this loan a few times when she felt short of cash. As the amount we needed was less and we would be able to pay it back as soon as our next salaries would come, this was the perfect option for us.

If you are also looking for a loan as small as $100, you can also go for payday loans . As our colleague had already taken out a few loans, we asked her to guide us through the process. She told us by following a few steps we would be able to get the money within a day:

  • Find a lender – This is the most important step and asking around is the best way to get a review. In my case, I went ahead with the lender my colleague suggested.
  • Ensure it is legal in your state – most of the states allow payday lending, however few of them don’t. You can do a simple online search to check this.
  • Fill a form – fill a form (online or manual) with some basic information like your name, address, email and phone number. Along with that, they will also ask you for some document upload like identification, proof of income etc.
  • Apply and wait for approval – in most of the cases, approval will be immediate or within some time.
  • Wait for loan credit – amount will be credited within one business day. The time this may take will also depend on your bank and the time it takes for processing fund transfers.

So as you see the process is very simple and as far as you pay back the loan on time this is one of the best options available for instant small loans that you may need.





