A Cash advance is a life-saver when an individual is caught up in a situation that needs quick cash. These conditions include a car repair or a home bill. There are many companies and financial institutions that offer cash advances in the US to help people solve their urgent financial needs. Cash advances are simple, fast and efficient for a borrower to tackle a financial problem. Cash advances require the borrower to repay back the loan on time in the form of installment or a lump sum. This allows the borrower to cover his/her personal expenses while paying back the loan. Cash advances vary from one state to another, but many companies in the US offer loans that range from $100 to $1,000. The time limit to repay the loan is between two weeks to two months.
The application and approval of cash advances are simple and fast. Moreover, the whole process takes a few minutes or a maximum of 48 hours in some cases. Borrowers should know that cash advances offer a temporary solution for them to fix their problem. Therefore, they should use the cash advance wisely to make sure they pay up the loan on the agreed time.
A cash advance requires a borrower to fill in a brief application and sign an agreement that binds the borrower to the lender. Then, the borrower writes a check for the required amount of money, and he/she is given the money immediately. The lender remains with the check until the loan has been repaid. The lender should be entirely responsible for setting the terms of agreement and fees. On the other hand, the borrower should cautiously review the loan’s offer before finally accepting the terms.
Qualification Requirements
A borrower should be a citizen or permanent resident of US so that they can apply for a cash advance. Further, they should be 18 years old and above and own a US bank account. Borrowers should provide a valid phone number and an email address. They should also be able to proof their source of income to ensure that they will pay back the loan. Additionally, borrowers should have a legitimate individual taxpayer identification number or a social security number.
The process of applying approving cash advances is both fast and convenient. Borrowers with poor credit can apply for cash advances. Moreover, there is a large network of lenders who are readily available to serve anyone. Additionally, borrowers are assured an encryption protection by their respective lenders.
Cash advances should always be the last resort when a person wants to borrow money. They should look for alternative sources like family and friends. Cash advances quickly amass high interests than the usual types of loans. Therefore, they lead to further debt and financial damage to a borrower. Cash advances have high interests because they are faster to process and they do not use credit scores to disqualify individuals with poor credits.
Before applying for a cash advance, you should be aware that they serve short-term emergency expenses like car and home bills. Therefore, they are not for rebuilding bad credit. Borrowers should be vigilant and understand the repayment schedule. Therefore, you should avoid taking a cash advance when you are in doubt about repaying it.
Failure to settle a cash advance affects a borrower’s credit score. A positive credit score decreases the interests on items such as car loans and mortgage. On the other hand, failure to pay a cash advance on time decreases credibility and causes a long-term damage on a borrower’s credit score. Therefore, it is recommended to take a cash advance that is repayable.