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Florida is the southernmost contiguous state in the United States. Florida has the longest coastline in the nation and it is the third most populated in the United States. The economy of the state is mostly made up of agriculture, tourism, and transportation. It’s the fourth largest economy in the United States. The state ranks 27th in per capita personal income.

Payday loans in Florida are legal cash advances with certain rules applied to them. Payday loans usually are small amounts of loans given at a high rate of interest and a small tenure. These loans are helpful when a consumer suddenly faces some financial emergency and falls short of cash. The main advantage behind these loans is that these are very quick in the processing and usually do not need a credit check of the borrower.



Payday loans in Florida are legal cash advances


In Florida, the Florida Office of Financial Regulation’s Division of Consumer Finance regulates payday lenders. You can verify a license or file a complaint on the OFR website. Getting a payday loan in Florida is a very easy and fast process.

The OFR has stated some laws to protect consumers who borrow from licensed lenders. Some of these rules are defined further:

  • Loan amount – Maximum loan amount can be 500$, however, there is no specific minimum limit.
  • Tenure – Minimum tenure of 7 days and a maximum tenure of 31 days.
  • Cost – Maximum fee is 10% of the amount borrowed and a verification charge which cannot exceed $5. Based on this information finance charges for a 14 day 100$ loan come out to be $16.11.
  • Annual Percentage Rate – based on above information the APR on a 14 day 100$ loan will amount to around 419%.
  • The Number of loans – A borrower can have only one outstanding loan at one time. There is a state-wide database for all active loans from where this is tracked. A borrower must pay the previous loan in full and wait 24 hours to apply for a second loan.
  • The Number of rollovers – None. If a borrower is unable to repay a loan, they are given a grace period of 60 days with no extra charges and credit counseling is mandatory.
  • Contract – A contract must be created for the borrower-lender agreement and any terms that limit the borrower’s rights are prohibited.
  • Collection fees – Lender cannot treble any damages and cannot initiate any criminal action against the borrower.
  • Borrower check – Lenders may have some rules for borrowers like the borrower must be above 18 years of age and a verifiable source of income.

There are various payday lenders available in Florida, we have listed some of them for you below:

  • PaydayLV – Payday Loans Online –
  • Check into cash – Direct Lenders, online and store. Loan amount offered is up to $500.
  • CashNet USA – Large online lender. Cash amount offered is $100 to $500.
  • Loan by Phone – Online site powered by Check into cash.

Consumers should understand the rules and regulations behind these loans, by gaining this knowledge of the process, local laws and regulations, pros and cons, the consumers can protect themselves and get the best out of these short-term loans. Before you take out a payday loan you should remember:

  • Consider alternatives to payday loans. Alternatives, like asking a family member or friend for a loan, or asking a bank for a loan can keep you away from the expensive payday loans.
  • If you choose to go ahead with the loan, verify the lender’s license on the OFR website.
  • Borrow only what you can afford.



