More often than not, people find themselves in circumstances that render a credit card an inviable mode of payment. When the car suddenly breaks down, or when the kid needs an urgent medical attention are some instances that having liquid cash is the only resort.
Unfortunately, adversities as such occur when there is barely any money in your checking savings account. Another means of soliciting quick cash is through a Cash Advance Near Me Las Vegas. Also known as a payday loan, a cash advance is a financial service enjoyed by credit, or charge card holders, and it allows an individual to withdraw cash via an ATM or over the counter in a bank or financial agency.
Basically, a cash advance is an instant loan that you can acquire against the credit card. It works similarly buying using the card, because purchases are made on credit basis. The only difference is that with payday loans, you take the loan in cash form. It is critical to always have in mind that credit card issuers are usually reluctant to offer the full amount of the credit card limit in form of liquid cash. Instead, they limit their subscribers to only a couple of hundreds of dollars.
The Statistics
As much as this fast lending jars convenience, a survey conducted by research that covered a sample population of 100 card holders, revealed that consumers of cash advance services stand to incur higher costs during repayment, because of steep interest rates on the loans. It further unveiled that besides the interest rates being 8% higher than the normal purchase rate- 14%- over ninety percent of lenders charge a certain fee for every transaction you suffice with the loan.
As ill-advised as taking a cash advance is, when obtained at the right time, the amount might just be the right financial solution. One thing you need to have at the edge of your mind is that repaying on timely basis helps a lot to prevent accruing of interest rates. Nevertheless, the loan only works if the borrower is disciplined enough to repay it, because the penalties are often high.
Additionally, you also need to put into perspective some critical issues. One thing you ought to keep in mind is: Cash advances are normally associated with high APR fees that are charged when making purchases using the credit card. Furthermore, there are also fees levied on each transaction. Most importantly, remember that there are no grace periods when it comes to interest fees. That being said, be taciturn to consult your credit card issuer on the terms and conditions applicable to your agreement.
Whilst there can be dire financial implications that an individual can shoulder following their failure to pay off the loan in time, there are some ways through which you can mitigate the impact of the fees levied on cash advances;