Payday loans are short term unsecured loans meant to be taken to handle unavoidable financial problem arising during the middle of the month when the next pay date is 2 or 3 weeks away. Simple problems like a leaking roof or a broken appliance require an immediate cash outflow which may not be possible during the middle of the month. Payday loans shows the way during such time.
An easy to get loan basis your employment and having an active bank account. Simple online application or walk in to the loan store is all that is need in the application. The repayment is required to be completed on or before the next pay date by the way of providing a postdated check or issuing a debit authorization to the lender to withdraw money from the account by the way of an ACH. Due to its simplicity and ease of availability, popularity of Payday loans in Houston TX has off late seen a rise.
Such loans are no doubt extremely convenient and flexible, but it carries a high rate of interest. Consider this, for every $100 is borrowed, a customer is required to repay $30 as interest. So if a customer takes a loan of $300, total repayment is $390 which is approximately 780% APR for the two or three weeks of borrowing period. Also the hassle of repaying the entire loan along with the interest by the end of month in a single payment is also to be worried about. This balloon repayment will make the financial management difficult for the next month. Hence borrowing using a payday loan is not an answer for every problem.
There are plenty of downsides of borrowing a payday loan. It is equally important for an applicant to understand each of this and should not decide for the loan in haste. Easy cash in itself is a major influences for application but a prudent applicant must evaluate all the pros and cons for the same.
In a nutshell, getting a payday loan is not a difficult task. An informed decision must be taken considering all the factors mentioned above so as not to regret at any stage.