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Many of us come at a situation in life when we need some extra cash to meet unexpected expenses at home. Also people who are at the start of their career or have just moved out of their parent’s house might not have complete understanding of finances. A reasonable amount of savings in your bank account is definitely helpful but what if you have just started with your job.  Cash advance or payday advance have their pros and cons depending in the person taking it.


Well if you are in a position to repay the cash advance within or after 2 weeks time then nothing likes it. It is the fastest form of cash advance available in US. There are people who opt for payday advance every month and stay cash surplus.  Smart people are running their business and earning margins using cash advance loans.


Well first of all they know that cash advance is the only measure that will help them have cash in hand within 24 hours of applying.

Secondly they know that they don’t really have to stress to complete the formalities for submitting the loan application, they can simply do it online form the comfort of their house.

Also, it is easier for them to return the money in 2 weeks time and allows them to adjust the date of borrowing so that they repay it back in time.



Payday advance or cash advance


If you are having a rough month and expenses are getting out of hand then you can certainly take a cash advance. There is something that you must keep in mind. The foremost thing is that you must ensure that you have capacity to repay the loan in time. With the ease of availability of payday loan, it gets easier to get one than to repay the same. The rate of interest applied on cash advance loans is probably a lot as compared to other loans. It becomes even more if you cross the repayment date and don’t pat in time.

It is indispensable to keep an eye on the date of returning the money so that you can maintain a good amount of balance in your bank and do not come out as a defaulter. The only thing that makes a bad reputation among people regarding payday advance is that it has a very high rate of interest.

When you sign the documents with the lender, ensure that you understand its term and conditions; it is your prerogative to know the total amount you will repay after 2 weeks period. The terms and conditions should list clearly the amount of interest applied and total amount of interest that you will pay after two weeks. If you feel you won’t be able to return the amount in 2 weeks time, it is important to intimate the lender beforehand; most of the lenders extend the repayment dates upto3 days to a week’s time. Of course you will have to pay more rate of interest for the extended period of time, even more than what you initially were told to pay.



