Some situations are really unpredictable in life. Financial circumstances are among them. No one can predict every expense on early basis. As an example consider your health. You may never know when you are going to fall critically ill and how much you will need to pay for that. On your way, your car may break down at any point and you may need to arrange its repair urgently, no matter you have money in your pocket or not. All these situations compel consumers to get access to such economic resources that can offer them immediate cash. Traditionally, people used to borrow via bank loans. But it’s a harassing process. An applicant is made to bring appealing credit history to file his loan application. Not only this, he is supposed to wait in long queues and for days to get his loan application approved.
Online Payday Loans thus replaced this traditional approach to make cash availability instant. These loans offer immediate money between $100 and $1000 in 24 business hours. This much amount is enough to pay off for short term expenses. That’s why they are also known short term loans. They carry very simple application process. One just needs to have internet connected gadget and he will not even require jumping out from his comfort to arrange cash.
he lenders offering this service have application form available on their website. The borrower must find affiliated lender before applying for this practice. Once he is satisfied with lender’s legal details, he can then fill application form with his basic personal and employment details. An applicant’s employment details are just required to check whether he can pay back payday loan amount or not.
Almost every consumer is familiar with the fact that bank loans perform lot of paper work formalities and need lot of details from borrower’s end to consider loan application. Moreover banks expect their borrowers to have strong credit history so that they can be believed for repayment. However, payday cash advance loans do not perform any credit check.
In addition to this, a basic eligibility criterion for these loans is also very simple. It is as follows:-
The only condition in payday lending is that borrower must be able to pay back loan amount along with calculated interest rate on due date. This only condition is kept so strict because interest rates for these loans are very high and borrowers fail to pay back later. Thus it is always advised that applicants must clear their mind about loan policy, costs and APR before making final decision.
If any applicant fails to pay back in time without any prior intimation to lender then his credit score is negatively affected. So, what can save you is that you must inform lender before due date so that you can be offered some extension period. If lender does not agree upon this then you can take help from consumer protect department and convince your lender to offer some extension by charging some extra fees.