Today, more than 12 million Americans have taken online payday loans once in their lifetime, sometimes even more. Short-term payday loans are unique and offer small amount for tenor of 1-4 weeks. By applying for payday loans you can get amount of $50-$1500, loan amount differs from one province to another. Many individuals apply for this loan to manage their daily expenses. Some of common features of online payday loans include:-
Short-Term Payday Loans Interactive Guide
We know that payday loans are short-term loans and it aids borrowers to stabilize their financial life. Payday loan borrower gets direct transfer of funds into bank account, although in some cases borrowers write personal check for amount that is borrowed plus interest and sign over electric access to their bank account to receive and repay payday loans. Lender holds check until full repayment of loan; otherwise, lender can withdraw payment directly from borrower account on next income date.
Borrowers can redeem submitted checks by paying full amount. Payment amount of loan is small and it can fall anywhere from $50 to $1500, which is paid in one installment.
Potential borrowers should have steady income of $1000 and bank account to apply for online payday loan. Although payday lenders do not conduct a complete credit check or cross-question to determine borrower standing. Payday loans are given on ability of borrower to collect funds, not borrower’s ability to repay. This is one of features which make payday loan special and easy to apply. The requirement criteria for loans are regulated by CFPB.
Almost entire payday loans working are based on instant money transfer but sometimes it can take up to 24hrs after your application is approved. Payday online lenders contribute to more than 83% of those who take payday loans offer instant application approval with immediate fund transfer.
Borrowing amount varies in different province; otherwise, it can also vary depending on your application meeting eligibility standards. If you have high income then usually lender approve considerable amount of installment loans. There is also restriction on getting maximum amount, just because particular lender has approved you for highest loan amount doesn’t mean that you have to get maximum loan.
Only apply for amount that you can pay back comfortably. If you are about to get a payday loan online, it is highly recommended to have exit strategy to pay back in full amount. It is always helpful to have financial strategy in place.
In case you are business owner and obtain payday loan, then it is highly recommended to give a personal check to payday lender or ACH (Automated Clearing House). ACH has authorized to electronically withdraw money from bank account of borrower. Make sure to read complete contract carefully. Generally, borrower obtains loan and deposit checks that can be redeemed. Many lenders allow payday loans without credit score checks and without keeping redeemable checks.
When it is time to pay back your loan either you can directly transfer to payday loan lender or lender redeems balance from your account. In case, you don’t have funds in your bank account then lender may try couple of more times.
In case if each time payment is return as insufficient funds then this will affect your credit score. Online payday loans also make direct calls to their borrowers to pay back the outstanding balance and there might be increase of fees, interest and perhaps you have to pay penalties as well. Lastly, lender will transfer your case to third party loan collector.
Bad Credit Payday Loans Score Will Affect You
When you keep paying your loan payment, your credit score is safe. But, with missing payments, your credit score can go south of good and you can be marked as risky borrower. In case of negative checking account balance, your case will be turned to another collection agency and so one loan can stem two separate collection processes.
Payday lenders can turn your case to aggressive collection agency for outstanding balance. There could be lawsuit against you can then court will determine your legal obligation to pay. Although you cannot be arrested for failing to repay loan, it is best to avoid such situations.
Repaying loan is act of paying back money, which is previously borrowed from online payday lender. Returning borrowed funds happens through single payment or periodic payment. Here is list of tips on repayment terms for online payday loans:-
It is easy and convenient to take payday loan and sometimes short-term loans can be useful. But in case when you have fewer funds to pay back your loan then you can take following options: –
One of advantage and disadvantage of applying for online payday loan is that they are only available of short-duration. Most payday loan online is required to be paid back within one month. Although can back pay sooner or go for extension that depends on individual to individual, but generally payday loan is given for one month tenor. It is advantage for borrowers that do not have to pay interest on their loan for more than one month.
On the other hand, short duration of payday loans makes it harder for borrowers to pay back. The short duration of payday loans helps borrowers to payback complete amount in one single payment. Otherwise, borrowers have to pay fees while trying to extend their loan because they fail to pay back loan amounts within one month tenor.
Payday loans are easy and affordable ways to make your financial situation stable. Anyone with emergency of paying bill can apply for this type of loan. There are minimum eligibility criteria for payday loans with minimalist requirements. Once you have decided to apply, you can simply follow steps mentioned in this guide.
With instant approval, you can get funds transferred to account immediately. One thing which is not mentioned in this guide is exit strategy. While taking loans is essential to have loan exit strategy. In other words, exit strategy is how you will be paying back loans about. This type of strategy will help you to plan and schedule your loan so that you face no hassle in paying back full amount within payment tenor.