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The debt to income ratio is the comparison or relationship between your monthly income and monthly payouts to pay back debts or borrowings .It helps the lender to determine whether you can afford the mortgage repayment. It is illustrative of the capability of a person for easy paying off installments without any financial stress. This ratio is inversely proportional to your credit score; that is higher the ratio higher the financial stress of repayment ,consequently making future loans more difficult to obtain as well as more expensive.


The ratio clarifies the percentage of your current income already being used to repay the existing debts and your credit risk evaluation. The debt to income ratio is significant to analyse the repayment of future loans, if applied by a borrower, and avoid a default on EMIs after its commencement.

A lower debt to income[DTI] ratio indicates good balance between debt and income; for example if DTI ratio is 15% it indicates that 15% of your monthly gross income flows into debt payments each month. On the contrary a high DTI ratio signals too much debt for the size of monthly income earned.

Most lenders ,like banks and financial credit providers, welcome a low DTI ratio before issuing loan to a potential borrower. This is an effective measure for the lenders as a guarantee that the borrower is not overextended ,meaning, surrounded by too many debt payments.

The maximum DTI ratios vary from lender to lender however lower DTI ratios are better probability factors of attainment of a loan amount by the borrower.


You can calculate your own debt to income ratio for a personal evaluation of your finances from the monthly debt payments and gross monthly income gross monthly income is the amount you receive before any other kind of deduction or even taxes so debt to income ratio is the percentage of your gross monthly income which you can keep aside for clearing off your monthly debts.

Debt:income= gross monthly debt/gross monthly income.

Gross monthly debt= all debt payments for that month which you are liable to repay.

Gross monthly income= the monthly income earned by you.

Personal loan EMI calculator online is a portal which automatically calculates the amount of your personal loan depending on your income and other obligations as well as depict the EMI which you will have to pay every month for a particular tenure and at a certain rate of interest.

Gross monthly debt is a sum up of yours monthly debt payments which include credit cards loans and mortgage.

If the debt to income ratio is lumped up it is called as debt to limit ratio, also called credit utilization ratio .Here it stands for the percentage of a borrowers total available credit that is currently into utilization.Tthe clear differentiation between DTI is that DTI calculates the monthly debt payments compared to your monthly income, however credit utilization ratio targets your debt balances comparative to the amount of existing credit which have been approved by credit card companies to you.


As a general guideline the highest DTI ratio which qualifies a borrower for a loan is 43% however the preferred DTI ratio by the lenders ideally ranges between 20 to 35% the DTI ratios between 35 and 60 makes you vulnerable to a higher rate of interest if by chance there is an approval to your loan demand

Important note underlying the DTI would be that it is only one of the significant criteria as for attaining alone while others factors are also taken into consideration.


Although DTI ratio is one of the metric used in credit decision, borrowers credit history and credit scores also have a cardinal impact in extending the credit to a borrower.Factors which effect the credit score can be negative or positive like late payments, several open credit accounts balances on credit cards related to their credit limits and so on.

The DTI ratio is not a marker for distinguishing between different types of debts and the cost of servicing those debts. If a borrower transfers the balance from high interest rate cards to low interest credit cards, the monthly payments might decrease which may decrease the monthly debts and the DTI ratio, but the total outstanding debt remains unchanged.


As a low DTI ratio is a favorable enough to get a loan for fulfilling the requirements of an individual or a business, a person can easily and wisely manage the DTI ratio if a financial planning and analysing is done pre approval. Having a tab on your finances is always a brilliant task to monitor the DTI ratio particularly in instances when either your income rises or a consideration for availing alone is on your mind.

As the DTI is the ratio between your monthly debts and your monthly income, so a decrease in the debts or an increase in the income can help in mitigating your DTI ratio to a number which is considered eligible and safe by the lenders to help you in provision of a loan.

Few steps which you can take-

  • Avoidance of more debts till the ratio is stabilized below 35%.
  • Deliverance of EMIs rapidly and paying off loan taken as quickly as possible to atleast temporarily decrease DTI ratio.
  • Keenly look into opportunities to add to your monthly income.
  • Delay in the idea of a future purchase unless it is extremely critical .
  • Foreclosing all existing loans if possible.


As said earlier, the debt to income ratio is a paramount factor to make a borrower stand up for loan during his time off need. It is measured from the percentage of the income of that person which is going to be a part of debt repayment. This is also an important and crucial calculative factor for the credit scores and credit rankings.Tthe DTI ratio is not only the repayment capacity and creditworthiness of a borrower but is also an important platform on which the lender can risk lending a loan.

If financial planning is carried out before availing a loan , prudently accomplished by putting an effort into the calculation of your debt to income ratio, then the chances of being at a default are mitigated and the borrower is further also able to sustain the EMIs of all the existing debts by maintaining a lower DTI ratio.



