Online payday loans are well known instant cash providers. After submitting 10 minutes application form, these short term loans guarantee you to transfer cash within one business day. You may hear about eligibility criteria for regular payday loans. It is reckoned there that a person should have a bank account in order to perform all cash transfers. But some people do not have bank accounts. It does not really that they can never be helped by cash advance services. Have you ever heard about payday loans for people having no bank account?
Such lenders do not perform any credit check; they just require little as in employment proof showing that you are earning $1000 per month. In case a person is not having bank account, he is asked in much detail to verify his employment and income. They can also charge higher loan fee to such borrowers. Before borrowing it is your responsibility to call and inquire about your lender.
Earlier it was very difficult to borrow any short term advance without bank account but considering every problem of the borrower, USA government started service of lending money to people having no account. In the past lenders used to take checks signed by the borrowers dated on their pay date fulfilling loan amount and calculated interest rate. It was the best option to ensure themselves that they will surely get back their money. But it was limited for only those people who had bank accounts.
But sometimes due to bad credit score, even bank refuses to open checking accounts for them. Such borrowers usually faced left out situations ending up in to financial crisis. So, online payday loan companies have taken a much bolder step by offering loan to such people. In exchange they have asked for detailed personal and employment information. They are also incurring higher cost for this special service. They too do not require any faxing and paper work to be done. Whatever situation may be, no checking cash loans are always there to help you. Getting economic help without any checking account is as easy as anything. But obvious they imply higher cost and interest rates, so a person should always prepare himself in advance to meet every unexpected financial circumstance.